Friday, February 24, 2012

How did it all started?

I have not been cooking for many many years, since the birth of my second son way back in 1997. It happened when I started to have a Thai maid from Narathiwat, a place in the southern part of Thailand who naturally a great cook. Since then, my life took a sharp turn. I slowly divert myself away from the area where I use to love, the kitchen. What's the point I thought? I have a maid who is so good in cooking, why worry.

At that time, life was hectic with two kids, and the baby boy needed all the mum's attention and work became more and more challenging. The moment you returned home from work, you are occupied with the kids and you are already too tired to cook. Slowly, you started to loose your cooking skill and as the kids grew up, you tend to spend more time eating out. All those fast foods getting closer and closer to your home making it easier to grab them and the kids just love McDonald, I'm Loving It.

Now, after more than 15 years and the kids have started to leave the house and stayed in boarding schools, I find myself having more time at home and more time to watch tv. I started to enjoy the AFC channel on Astro and since then have been thinking of having my own masterchef kitchen at home. We can't do much with the existing kitchen at home and it has become the maid's territory. You don't even know where your cooking utensils are stored and having challenging moments trying to look for ingredients to cook. It was only recently that we decide to buy a condo and I thought, it would be a great idea to have my very own masterchef kitchen there. That was how it all started...

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